In the world of hydrocarbons, synthesis gas, or syngas – a combination of carbon monoxide and hydrogen -- is considered a magical substance. The magic lies with where it comes from and what it becomes. Syngas can be made from a wide range of carbon-containing substances including biomass, coal, municipal solid waste, railroad ties – even discarded tires. It can be used as fuel to generate electricity, or as a building block for a range of desirable commodities, from methanol to gasoline. In other words, it enables the transformation of low-value, carbon-containing substances into high-value end products. O.N.E.'s Brazil tire recycling facility will produce syngas from discarded tires using a next-generation gas plasma gasification technology.
The technology uses sophisticated plasma torches to generate intense heat that creates syngas by breaking apart the chemical bonds in the tires. Six plants around the world are now using the plasma gasification technology for waste streams ranging from municipal solid waste to oil shale. The syngas is converted into electricity through a steam cycle power plant, which uses steam turbines to produce electricity with lower emissions than standard natural gas or coal fired power plants.

O.N.E. Natural Energy’s tire-to-energy facility is utilizing a plasma gasification technology that creates clean, renewable energy from abundant, but unwanted, tire waste while eliminating the risk of leachates from landfills and the greenhouse gases and particulate matter associated with incineration. The only byproducts -- sulfur, recycled steel and inert fly ash -- are captured for sale.
The process is safe and meets all global emissions standards. It also produces all the energy it uses, which means that it doesn’t consume energy generated from non-renewable sources such as fossil fuels.
When it comes to energy, the world is facing a duel challenge: a growing demand for power and an increased call for environmental responsibility. Plasma gasification is a proven technology that addresses these challenges by turning unwanted waste into safe, efficient, sustainable energy.